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The Photography Guide™ The All-in-One Photography Course

As a photographer the question I'm asked the most is: "Can you teach me how to use my camera?" A couple years ago I realized: everybody has a camera, but almost nobody is getting the most from it. The old books and classes out there are too long and too boring...

So I decided to make an all-in-one photography course. It’s the complete guide I wish that I had back when I first started. The Photography Guide™ includes the 6 core principles of photography presented in short, simple videos. STORYlearning makes it fun and easy to learn everything you need to know about photography in a single day. Buy the guide today, and take great pictures tomorrow.

On sale: Save 40% today.
$129  $79

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The Photography Guide™ The All-in-One Photography Course

As a photographer the question I'm asked the most is: "Can you teach me how to use my camera?" A couple years ago I realized: everybody has a camera, but almost nobody is getting the most from it. The old books and classes out there are too long and too boring...

So I decided to make an all-in-one photography course. It’s the complete guide I wish that I had back when I first started. The Photography Guide™ includes the 6 core principles of photography presented in short, simple videos. STORYlearning makes it fun and easy to learn everything you need to know about photography in a single day. Buy the guide today, and take great pictures tomorrow.

On sale: Save 40% today.
$129  $79

The Easiest Way to Learn Quick and simple learning videos.

Turn up your creativity with six core lessons covering all the basics of photography. Learn how to take great pictures, even if you're a total beginner.

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The Easiest Way to Learn Quick and simple learning videos.

Turn up the creativity with six core lessons covering all the basics of photography. Learn how to take great pictures, even if you're a total beginner.

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The Complete Guide Any camera. Any situation.

This guide covers all of the fundamentals of photography. The skills you learn will work with any camera, and in any situation: whether you're traveling, shooting a lookbook, or just hanging out with friends. 

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The Complete Guide Any camera. Any situation.

This guide covers all of the fundamentals of photography. The skills you learn will work with any camera, and in any situation: whether you're traveling, shooting a lookbook, or just hanging out with friends. 

Beautiful Photos Made Easy Transform your images.

You are going to learn the tips, tricks, and rules for great pictures. We'll not only cover how to take better photos, but also how to edit photos like a pro whether you're using your computer or your phone.

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The Lessons Learn the 6 core-principles of photography.

Exposure   Lesson 1

Exposure is the light your camera captures. Learn how to capture great pictures in any situation.

Exposure Lesson Outline
4:52  Exposure Field Trip
1:26  Exposure Introduction
4:31  Aperture + Depth of Field
4:32  Shutter + Motion Blur
3:45  ISO + Image Noise
5:53  Measuring Light
3:34  Exposure Examples
Light   Lesson 2

Change the light to change your picture. You learn how to control light itself for better looking photos.

Light Lesson Outline
2:24  Light Field Trip
6:35  Light Temp. and Position
3:25  How Light Works
4:10  Controlling Light
4:51  Flash & Light Modifiers
The Lens   Lesson 3

Lenses change the look and feel of your photos. Learn which lenses to use for different types of pictures.

The Lens Lesson Outline
3:48  The Lens Field Trip
5:13  The Standard Lenses
4:44  Lens Basics & Bokeh
4:41  Specialty Lenses
Composition   Lesson 4

Learn simple rules for how to take a great picture; also known as the rules of composition.

Composition Lesson Outline
3:31  Composition Field Trip
3:41  Rule of 3rds & Layers
2:17  Space & Symmetry
4:10  Colors & Positioning
4:28  Details & Backgrounds
The Camera   Lesson 5

What do all those buttons do? Learn which ones actually matter for better photos.

The Camera Lesson Outline
3:25  Camera Sensor & Quality
3:54  Drive Modes
2:57  Shooting Modes
2:22  Autofocus
2:36  Raw vs. JPEG
4:07  Camera Types
2:03  Lens Filters
The Edit   Lesson 6

The edit is where the magic happens. Edit like a pro with your computer or your phone.

The Edit Lesson Outline
3:03  Editing Apps
2:54  Cropping
4:07  Exposure
5:26  Colors
4:18  Effects
5:03  Details
4:28  Curves
1:44  Exporting
4:14  Example 1
3:27  Example 2
4:00 Example 3
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Exposure   Lesson 1

Exposure is the light your camera captures. You're going to learn how to capture light in any situation with a few simple rules.

Exposure Lesson Outline
4:52  Exposure Field Trip
1:26  Exposure Introduction
4:31  Aperture + Depth of Field
4:32  Shutter + Motion Blur
3:45  ISO + Image Noise
5:53  Measuring Light
3:34  Exposure Examples
Light   Lesson 2

You're going to learn how to shape and control light of all types: sunlight, flash, existing natural light, and more.

Light Lesson Outline
2:24  Light Field Trip
6:35  Light Temperature & Position
3:25  How Light Works
4:10  Controlling Light
4:51  Flash + Light Modifiers
The Lens   Lesson 3

The Lens impacts lots of things: zooming in and out, perspective, and even the "feel" of your photos. Learn which lenses to use for different types of pictures.

The Lens Lesson Outline
3:48  The Lens Field Trip
5:13   The Standard Lenses
4:44  Lens Basics & Bokeh
4:41   Specialty Lenses
Composition   Lesson 4

There are simple rules for how to take a great picture. They're called the rules of composition, and we're going to cover them here.

Composition Lesson Outline
3:31  Composition Field Trip
3:41  Rule of 3rds, Shapes, Layers
2:17  Space, Visual Balance, Symmetry
4:10  Color, Contrast, Position
4:28  Details, Wide Shots, Background
The Camera   Lesson 5

What do all those buttons do? You're going to learn which ones matter for your pictures and which ones don't.

The Camera Lesson Outline
3:25  Camera Sensor & Quality
3:54  Drive Modes: Single, Self-Timer, etc.
2:57  Shooting Modes: Auto, Manual, etc.
2:22  Autofocus & Manual Focus
2:36  Raw vs JPEG
4:07  Camera Types: Phone, DSLR, etc.
2:03  Lens Filters
The Edit   Lesson 6

The edit is where the magic happens. Learn how to edit photos, whether you're using your phone or your computer.

The Edit Lesson Outline
3:03  Apps & Software
2:54  Cropping
4:07  Light & Exposure
5:26  Colors
4:18  Effects
5:03  Details
4:28  Curves
1:44  Exporting
4:14  Edit Example 1
3:27  Edit Example 2
4:00  Edit Example 3
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  • STORYlearning

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  • Mobile + 4K

    High-quality on any device.

STORYlearning You control the lesson

Aristotle's storytelling techniques and modern learning theory combined to make learning fast and fun.

Lesson Discussions Ask questions. Get answers.

Jump into discussions for each lesson so you can ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from other students.

Mobile + 4K High-quality on any device.

Use your phone or your computer to access the guide from anywhere. 4K resolution looks sharp on any device.

Beginners Welcome Designed for you.

This is a complete guide to photography fundamentals. If you don't know anything about photography you're in the right place. If you're an experienced photographer this will be a solid refresher on the basics.

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Share Your Photos #phoxyco

Share the photos you create and get inspired by other students. Tag your instagram pictures with #phoxyco to get featured in our student section. 

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100% Satisfaction Promise

We think you’ll love the guide, but if you don’t we’ll make it right. Request a refund within 30 days of purchase and we’ll give you 100% of your money back.
No fine print, just honest business.

Adam Gentry founder, phoxy.co
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100% Satisfaction Promise

We think you’ll love the guide, but if you don’t we’ll make it right. Request a refund within 30 days of purchase and we’ll give you 100% of your money back.

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Adam Gentry founder, phoxy.co
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Yours Forever Pay Once. Access for Life.

Once you purchase The Photography Guide™ you will have it forever, no matter what. You also get lifetime access to future updates.

In-House Support Need help? Let's talk.

If you run into any issues we're here to help. All customer support is done in-house from our office in California. Reach out to us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours, even on weekends.

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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

What's inside The Photography Guide™?

You get instant access to six core photography lessons: Exposure, Light, The Lens, Composition, The Camera, and The Edit.

Each lesson is taught in a series of simple videos. You can ask questions in the lesson discussions and you'll also be able to access the lessons from any device.

How will I access the course?

You can view the lessons any time from your phone or from your computer. You can pick-up where you left-off on any device. Please note that you'll need an internet connection to play the videos.

What's the 30-day Refund Guarantee?

We think you're going to love the guide, but if for any reason you don't then we'll give you your money back.

Request a refund within 30 days of buying the guide and we'll refund 100% of your purchase.

What kind of camera do I need?

You can use any camera, even the camera on your phone. The Photography Guide covers all camera types.

What if I'm a total beginner?

You're in the right place. This guide was designed to teach the fundamentals of photography, even if you've never touched a camera before.

What if I'm a pro photographer?

This will be a solid refresher on the fundamentals of photography. If you want a highly technical or advanced course, then this guide probably isn't what you're looking for.

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Buy Now The Photography Guide™

Every creative needs a tool. The Photography Guide™ teaches you how to take great pictures, even if you're a total beginner. STORYlearning makes it fun and easy to learn photography.

6 core lessons cover all the fundamentals of photography so you can stop wasting time and start creating. Buy the guide today, and start taking great photos tomorrow.

On sale. Save 40% Today

Checkout Icons Four Light

Buy Now The Photography Guide™

Every creative needs a tool. The Photography Guide™ teaches you how to take great pictures, even if you're a total beginner. STORYlearning makes it fun and easy to learn photography.

6 core lessons cover all the fundamentals of photography so you can stop wasting time and start creating. Buy the guide today, and start taking great photos tomorrow.

On sale. Save 40% Today.
$129 $79

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