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The Photography Guide with Certificate

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Course Intro

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Course Intro


Min-Exposure Thumb

Exposure is the light your camera captures. You're going to learn how to capture light in any situation with a few simple rules.

Min-Coachella Thumb

You're going to learn how to shape and control light of all types: sunlight, flash, existing natural light, and more.

Min-Salton Thumb

The Lens impacts lots of things: zooming in and out, perspective, and even the "feel" of your photos. Here we learn all about lenses.

Min-Skate Thumb

There are simple rules for how to take a great picture. They're called the rules of composition, and we're going to cover them here.

Min-Camera Thumb

What do all those buttons do? You're going to learn about your camera's modes and options.

Min-Edit Water Thumb

The edit is where the magic happens. Learn how to edit photos, whether you're using your phone or your computer.

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